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Gotland Fide Odvalds – Karta På Eniro from kartor.eniro.se
Fide is a settlement on the swedish island of gotland.formerly a socken, [3] on 1 january 2016, it was reconstituted into the administrative area fide district. As of 2019 , fide church belongs to hoburg parish in sudrets pastorat, along with the churches in öja, hamra, vamlingbo and sundre. Be the first to review » fide kyrka is located sunnkyrke in gotland (623 36) in the region of gotlands län (sverige).this place is listed in the place of worship category of the geodruid gotland 2021 guide.
Fide Gotland Karta The Medieval Fide Church Is Located In The Socken.
Markerna i öster är starkt kulturpräglade med långa stenmurar runt betesmarkerna och enstaka fiskelägen längs kusten. Tuviken i norr är en i. Fide socken ligger på näset till gotlands sydligaste del.