Geodata Lantmäteriet

Geodata Lantmäteriet

. Open geodata statistics sweden’s open geodata can be found in the geodata portal which is managed by lantmäteriet (the swedish mapping, cadastral and land registration authority). Temat för eftermiddagen är geodata som strategisk resurs.

Om Oss | Lantmäteriet
Om Oss | Lantmäteriet from

Services are available here that enable users to search for, view and download data. Navigate the menu to read regulations and manuals as well as read about distribution permits, copyright to maps and images, processing of personal data, psi law and delay. The cadastral map is a key component of the national cadastre.

Geodata Lantmäteriet Metadata Helps You Understand If Data Is What You Are Looking For And Want To Use.

A national agreement gives you as a student, teacher or researcher access to licensed geodata from a number of swedish agencies. Navigate the menu to read regulations and manuals as well as read about distribution permits, copyright to maps and images, processing of personal data, psi law and delay. Klockan 15.30 den 31/3 ses vi på o’learys i mall of scandinavia.

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